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Financial reporting to government

We have broken down the steps involved in preparing and submitting reporting documents to help make the reporting process easy.

Content last updated 20/06/2024

Financial reporting to government

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Financial reporting

Reporting can seem like a burden, however it's a great opportunity for your organisation to ensure its house is in order. The steps involved in preparing and submitting reporting documents mean that the reporting process needs to start well before reporting deadlines.

There are several situations where community organisations may be required to report to government. Examples of government bodies that not-for-profits report to include:

  • the government body that administers the type of incorporated structure (for example, Consumer Affairs Victoria, Australia Securities and Investments Commission)
  • fundraising regulators
  • the Australian Taxation Office (in relation to tax), and
  • the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (for registered charities)

More information about tax and fundraising 

For more information about tax and fundraising reporting requirements, see our resources on tax and fundraising. 

More information about whistleblowing 

If whistleblower protection laws under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) apply to your organisation, your organisation may have reporting obligations under these laws. Our resources on whistleblower protection laws sets out obligations that arise under these laws. 

Companies limited by guarantee (CLG) financial reporting

A company limited by guarantee is established under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and, unless it is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), it must report to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).


CLGs that are registered charities with the ACNC no longer report annually to ASIC. They report to the ACNC under a different reporting system.

More information 

For more information, see our Charity Reporting resources.

Our fact sheet sets out the legal obligations for financial reporting of a company limited by guarantee and includes information on:

  • responsibility for overseeing your organisation’s finances
  • what financial records your organisation must keep, and
  • what financial information you must provide to members and to ASIC or the ACNC
Financial reporting obligations for CLGs

Incorporated associations financial reporting

Our fact sheets set out the financial reporting obligations of incorporated associations in each state and territory, including: 

  • responsibility for overseeing your organisation’s finances 
  • the financial records your organisation must keep, and 
  • what financial information you must provide to members and your regulator  

More information

The content on this webpage was last updated in March 2023 and is not legal advice. See full disclaimer and copyright notice.

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